Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Edcamp CASA 2017 - Countdown - Monday Tips

Edcamp CASA is just five days away!  Here are some tips for getting the most out of Edcamp CASA!

  1. First, there is still time for your friends and colleagues to register.  You can view, print out, and/or share the following document to help you spread the word.  Click this link to download mini-flyers to pass out!
  2. Wireless internet will be available (free), so be sure to bring your own device!
  3. Follow us on Twitter @edcampcasa, and if you don't know what that means, sign-up for a Twitter account, then follow us on Twitter.  This is by no means necessary, but Twitter is a great learning and networking tool; it will be a great way to communicate and share what we are all learning and discussing on Saturday (and beyond).
Look for more tips tomorrow!

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