Friday, March 10, 2017

Redeeming your Explain Everything extended trial

How to redeem the Explain Everything code from the Edcamp CASA 2017 program:
  • In the Explain Everything App: tap on the key icon on the left and enter this CODE (on Android, Chrome OS and Windows) or type the CODE in the "Search or use CODE” field (on iOS); or
  • Via the web: go to and enter the CODE in the "Search or use access code" field; or
  • Create a new account or sign in with an existing account to apply the promotion.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Storyboard That!

Thanks once again to Storyboard That for supporting our educators with a creative and innovative product!

Thank you, Mary Beth Fitzpatrick and the Berkley School District!

Special thanks to Mary Beth Fitzpatrick, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Technology, Assessment and Grants in the Berkley School District, for donating shirts for all of our participants!  Thanks, MBF!

Thank you, Armadillo!

Thanks, Jon, from Armadillo Printwear, for making our shirts and giving us a special rate!

Thank you, Daveda Colbert & Oak Park Schools!

Special thanks to Daveda Colbert, Superintendent of Oak Park Schools, for providing our breakfast and lunch this year!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Edcamp CASA 2017 Countdown - Tuesday Tips

A. Don't forget to get your PIC number if you plan to earn SCECHs.
    • Log into MOECS through this link:
    • Once you are logged in, click on "Manage Demographics" from the menu on the left.
    • Make note of your PIC number, which should be listed among your other personal information.
  1. Bring a check for $10 made out to "Oakland Schools."
B. Directions to EdCamp CASA (and where to park!):

Edcamp CASA 2017 - Countdown - Monday Tips

Edcamp CASA is just five days away!  Here are some tips for getting the most out of Edcamp CASA!

  1. First, there is still time for your friends and colleagues to register.  You can view, print out, and/or share the following document to help you spread the word.  Click this link to download mini-flyers to pass out!
  2. Wireless internet will be available (free), so be sure to bring your own device!
  3. Follow us on Twitter @edcampcasa, and if you don't know what that means, sign-up for a Twitter account, then follow us on Twitter.  This is by no means necessary, but Twitter is a great learning and networking tool; it will be a great way to communicate and share what we are all learning and discussing on Saturday (and beyond).
Look for more tips tomorrow!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Thursday, March 2, 2017

BrainPop, new sponsor!

Thank you, BrainPop, for supporting our educators!


A special thanks to Nepris, who not only supported us monetarily, but also provided a couple of outstanding give-aways!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Thanks to new sponsor, Emaze, for their support of our event this year!

Hack Learning!

Thanks to new sponsor, Hack Learning, for their donation of several of their unique titles to give-away to our educators!

TechSmith, new sponsor!

Thank you, TechSmith, for supporting our event with your useful giveaways!

Tesla Amazing!

Tesla Amazing is once again providing tons of magnetic notes for our participants!  We love those magnetic notes!

EduBlogs is back!

Thanks again to EduBlogs for once again supporting our event with excellent give-aways!

Write About, 2nd year sponsor!

Thanks again to Write About for some awesome give-aways and for supporting our event again!

Thanks again, Storybird!

Thanks, again, Storybird, for supporting our event (with an even bigger give-away than last year!).

Thanks again, CASA!

Jennifer Gebbie and the Center for Advanced Studies and the Arts have thankfully agreed to host our event again this year!

Thanks again, Berkley School District!

The Berkley School District is once again sponsoring Edcamp CASA; last year, it was food; this year, it's SWAG.

New sponsor, Seesaw!

Thanks, Seesaw, for your support and donation for our participating educators!  They will love your gift!

Spelling City, 2nd year sponsor

Thanks again, Spelling City, for supporting our event and educators!

Bagger Daves is back (as a sponsor)!

Thanks Bagger Dave's for once again providing good eats (in general) and a couple of give-aways for our educators!

Thanks, new sponsor EDpuzzle, for sponsoring us!

Thanks, EDpuzzle, for supporting our event and participating educators!

Thanks again, iBallz!

Thanks to iBallz for supporting Edcamp CASA once again!

New sponsor, Explain Everthing!

Thank you, Explain Everything, for your support!  We appreciate your give-aways!

Chromville is back, with gifts for all!

Thank you, Chromville, for supporting Edcamp CASA and all of its teachers!

New sponsor, No Starch Press!

Thanks to No Starch Press, who donated some coding books to help us get our geek on!

New sponsor, GrammarFlip!

Thank you, Grammar Flip, for supporting our teachers and our event!

IPEVO is back!

Thanks, again, IPEVO, for your continued support of Edcamp CASA!  Your give-aways are a hit!

Thanks, Edutopia!

Thank you to Edutopia, for sponsoring us again!

Makey Makey from JoyLabz!

Thank you, JoyLabz, for your generous donation of 2 Makey Makey kits to give-away to our teachers!

Monday, February 27, 2017


Thanks again to Science 4 Us for donating 2 membership subscriptions (worth $360 each!) to give-away to teachers!

Sunday, February 12, 2017


Special thanks to Flipgrid for sponsoring our Edcamp event!  Flipgrid not only sponsored us monetarily, but also has donated some swag to give-away, as well as three Flipgrid classroom subscriptions (valued at $65 each)!

Flipgrid is a video platform used in over 40,000 classrooms to ignite discussion and promote social learning. In Flipgrid, teachers post discussion topics to which students respond with videos, providing every student an equal voice, increasing retention, and encouraging peer-led learning.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Lentil Mediterranean Grill!

Thanks, Lentil, for donating gift cards to give out to five participants!  Yum!

Thanks, Makkajai!

Thanks to Makkajai, creator of Math apps, for donating 15 promo codes for each of their apps!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Edible Arrangements, thank you for sponsoring us!

Thanks to Edible Arrangements for sponsoring EdCamp CASA!  They have donated a couple of gift certificates to give away some lucky participants!

Thanks, BoomWriter!

Thank you to BoomWriter for sponsoring our unconference with an awesome giveaway!  You're going to love it!

Thank you, CASA!

Thanks to Jennifer Gebbie, and the whole CASA crew (Center for Advanced Studies and the Arts) for being our home for EdCamp, as well as supporting the event in numerous ways!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Our Greentopia!

Thank you to Our Greentopia, an eco-lifestyle boutique, for donating a $20 gift certificate for a lucky unconference participant!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Thank you, iBallz!

Thank you to iBallz, who sent us some samples of their unique products to give away to a couple lucky participants!


A huge thanks to SimpleK12, who has donated five 5 FREE, 1-year, full access individual memberships to SimpleK12’s Teacher Learning Community (each valued at $357)!

Thank you, EduBlogs!

Thanks, EduBlogs, for donating 5 Pro premium subscriptions to 5 lucky educators!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Thank you, Edutopia!

Edutopia, our favorite source for what works in education, has donated a bag-o-swag worth about $100!  Thanks for the support, Edutopia!


Thanks to our latest sponsor, Chromville, who is donating one free access to their package, "Chromville World," which includes their latest release, "Chromville Science"!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Special thanks to our major sponsor, Berkley School District!

Special thanks to the Berkley School District for sponsoring our unconference!  They are generously providing our coffee, bagels, lunches, and other refreshments!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Thanks, IPEVO, for your generous donation and support of EdCamp CASA!

IPEVO is giving us multiple document cameras / whiteboard systems to give away to some lucky participants!


Thank you, Storybird, for your donation and support of our educators!